Depo Testosterone Cypionate Reviews

Depo Testosterone Cypionate Reviews

NOTICE: The Drug Law Center is no longer accepting these type of cases. This page is strictly for informational purposes. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding by not contacting our office on these cases. We are actively investigating and prosecuting cases involving Valsartan cancers. For information on Valsartan lawsuits, look here.

The Depo-Testosterone injury attorneys at the Drug Law Center are currently investigating cases for our clients who have suffered injury after taking the male hormone treatment medication.

What Is Depo-Testosterone?

Depo-Testosterone RecallsDepo-Testosterone is a treatment medication administered only through an intramuscular injection under doctor's prescription. The drug contains androgenic hormone testosterone cypionate and is injected no more than one or two times every month. Doctors prescribe Depo-Testosterone for men who cannot make substantial levels of testosterone, the body's natural male hormone. However, the medication is known to cause irreversible, dangerous side effects including shrunken testicles, enlarged breasts, high blood pressure, liver disease, infertility, heart attack, addiction, bone growth issues, stroke, and mental complications including increased levels of violence and aggression.

Who Should Avoid Taking Depo-Testosterone?

Depo-Testosterone has serious contraindications where an adverse reaction might occur if the drug is taken when the patient is suffering specific conditions, diseases or is currently taking other medications. Currently, the known contraindications when taking Depo-Testosterone include:

  • Men suffering from carcinoma of the breast or suspected prostate carcinoma should avoid taking Depo-Testosterone.
  • Depo-Testosterone, like all male hormone replacement therapy medications, should not be used in women.
  • Pregnant women, or women likely to become pregnant, should avoid direct skin contact with any male testosterone replacement medication. Research indicates that the fetus may be harmed by indirect contact with the male hormone testosterone.
  • Individuals who have had an adverse reaction or hypersensitivity to any of the active ingredients in Depo-Testosterone, including the male hormone in the injection, should avoid taking the drug.
  • Individuals diagnosed with renal disease, hepatic disease, or serious cardiac problems.

Other medications, herbal remedies, vitamins, over-the-counter drugs, and herbal products taken concomitantly with Depo-Testosterone may produce serious side effects. Because of that, it is important to discuss with your doctor any condition or medication been taken that might cause a negative reaction when taking male hormone replacement therapy drugs.

Accidental Testosterone Exposure in Females

Contact with topical testosterone gel or injectable liquids can cause serious problems in children and women. Because of that, strict adherence to properly handling the medication and clothing can prevent accidental exposure.

Many women and young children exposed to male hormone replacement therapy medications have suffered adverse events that include increased libido, pubic hair development, genitalia enlargement, aggressive behavior, and advanced bone age. Some women exposed to male hormone therapy medications have developed virilization where they develop characteristics of a male physique including a deep voice, body hair, and bulky muscles.

Depo-Testosterone Side Effects

Individuals should seek immediate emergency medical assistance if any of the signs or symptoms of an allergic reaction occur when taking or coming in direct contact with Depo-Testosterone or any male hormone medication. Additional mild Depo-Testosterone side effects include:

  • Anxiety, headaches, depressed mood
  • Tingling sensation or numbness
  • Swelling or pain at the injection site

More serious Depo-Testosterone side effects include:

  • Bone pain
  • Muscle twitching
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unexpected rapid weight gain
  • Restless sensation
  • Memory issues
  • Increased thirst
  • Gynecomastia (swelling of male breast tissue)
  • Jaundice, where the eyes or skin turn yellow
  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increased urination
  • Ongoing penis erections

Females who receive testosterone injections often experience serious side effects including developing male characteristics. Some of the more noticeable signs and symptoms of serious side effects when females take too much testosterone include:

  • Acne
  • Enlarged clitoris
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Chin or chest male pattern hair growth
  • Diminished or enhanced sexual libido (sex drive)

Depo-Testosterone and the FDA

Since the drug was approved by the Food and Drug Administration, Depo-Testosterone has undergone numerous revisions of their warning labels to inform the public of serious side effects that could cause life-threatening conditions including deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), heart attacks, and stroke.

  • January 2017 – The FDA has issued a notice to Pfizer, Inc. warning the drug maker that their labels on prescription testosterone prescribed for replacement therapy, had increased potential of developing serious health problems. The FDA issued a warning after reports of bodybuilders and athletes taking high doses of the prescription medication alone, or concomitantly with anabolic steroids.
  • March 2015 – A press release issued by the FDA warned consumers of changes in labeling required now on all FDA approved prescription testosterone replacement medications. The FDA is warning consumers of the correlation between taking testosterone injections and supplements to adverse events including strokes, heart attacks, severe cardiac side effects, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The FDA also warned doctors not to prescribe hormone supplement to men to treat only the symptoms that related with growing older.

Blood Clots and Testosterone Replacement Therapies

A blood clot can quickly form when the cells in the bloodstream build up inside of vein and inhibit normal blood flow. Typically, blood clots originate in the body's superficial veins (near the skin surface) or in the veins. Even a small clot can cause serious health complications and if not treated immediately, could be deadly. The major reasons blood clots form include:

  • A side effect of taking Depo-Testosterone or other male replacement therapy drug
  • Prolonged periods of inactivity or non-movement
  • Trauma to the vein
  • Surgeries
  • Restricted blood flow

Additionally, taking testosterone replacement therapy can increase the potential risk of developing pulmonary embolism, especially when there is low oxygen levels in the body's blood stream or damage has occurred to a lung that has restricted blood flow.

Depo-Testosterone Lawsuits

Many men and women who have taken Depo-Testosterone to increase their energy levels, maintain menstrual cycles, increase sexual appetite or other condition suffer serious injuries and file lawsuits against the drug maker for selling a defective product. Some of these lawsuits include:

  • Testosterone Therapy Lawsuit Alleges Heart Attack Linked to Low T Drug
    February 2016 – A Depo-Testosterone injury lawsuit has been filed against Pfizer, this time by an Illinois resident claiming the drug caused serious medical problems including life-threatening cardiac events and stroke. The plaintiff was prescribed injectable Depo-Testosterone, a synthetic hormone testosterone cypionate to treat hypogonadism or low levels of male hormone testosterone which was taken between April 2005Attorneys working on behalf of the plaintiff to file the case alleging that the medication caused serious Depo-Testosterone side effects that involve physical pain, heart attack, stroke, and extensive medical expenses.This is not the first testosterone-related injury lawsuit filed against drug makers including Pfizer. Nearly 14 other plaintiffs have filed defective testosterone product lawsuits against the pharmaceutical companies seeking compensatory and punitive damages. This case has been filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
  • Depo-Testosterone Injury Lawsuit Claims DVT Caused By Hormone Replacement Medication
    Pfizer, the maker of Depo-Testosterone, are facing another Low T injury lawsuit, this time filed by a New York resident who claims the company misrepresented their product as being effective and safe to treat hypogonadism. The testosterone product lawsuit documents reveal that the healthy 71-year-old plaintiff was healthy at the time he had been prescribed Depo-Testosterone in November 2011. The plaintiff took the medication by injection for 10 months until September 2012.However, in May 2012, the plaintiff's doctors diagnosed him with a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and a second blood clot in February 2013. Doctors believe that the blood clots developed from taking Depo-Testosterone. Still recovering from the blood clot, the patient continues to take medications follow a strict healthy diet, and require ongoing monitoring to routinely test his condition to avoid the potential risk of dying from serious complications.Attorneys working on behalf of their client based their case around Pfizer's failure to properly disclose the potential risks associated with taking testosterone replacement therapy medications. In addition, the lawyers are saying that the company failed to warn consumers, doctors, and the general public that Depo-Testosterone has been linked to serious injuries, including deep vein thrombosis.The plaintiff joins a long list of other plaintiffs filing suit against Pfizer making the claim that the company failed to provide adequate information and warnings to consumers. Attorneys are seeking to obtain compensatory and punitive damages along with general and specific damages and financial relief. This case was filed in the Supreme Court of the state of New York, County of New York.
  • Plaintiff Alleges Low T Medication Caused Him to Suffer a Heart Attack
    March 2016 – Pfizer is facing one more testosterone injury lawsuit, this one filed by Marilyn man who alleges that he suffered a serious injury after taking the testosterone therapy medication. The plaintiff alleges that his heart attack came five days after he started taking Depo-Testosterone in December 2014. At that time, he was 44 years old. His doctors and prescribed the medication to treat is common testosterone low-level symptoms including diminished sexual drive and loss of energy.Lawyers working on his behalf have built their claim around multiple counts including Pfizer's defective design of a prescription medication, and their failure to adequately warn consumers. Additional counts include fraud and negligence. This case was filed in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, Baltimore Maryland
  • Tennessee Plaintiff Files Testosterone Injury Lawsuit after Suffering Two Strokes
    March 2016 – A Texas plaintiff filing a testosterone injury lawsuit against the drug maker alleges that taking the medication caused him to experience severe adverse reactions including two life-threatening strokes. The case has been filed against Pfizer Inc., the drugmaker, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.Lawsuit documents reveal that in 2013 the plaintiff had been prescribed Depo-Testosterone injections and discontinued using the product in October of the same year. Attorneys built the case around Pfizer's negligence, failure to warn, design defect, fraud, negligence, and negligent misrepresentation. The lawyers allege that the strokes experienced by the plaintiff were not random but a byproduct of taking testosterone injections.

Filing a Depo-Testosterone Injury Lawsuit

Many men and women who suffered a serious injury after taking hormone replacement therapy medications will file a product liability lawsuit to hold the pharmaceutical manufacturer financially responsible. However, these cases can be highly complex and often require the skills of a dedicated, experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in product liability, wrongful death, and medical malpractice cases.

Hiring an Attorney

The personal injury attorneys at the Drug Law Center are currently reviewing, evaluating, and investigating cases involving injuries caused by taking Depo-Testosterone and other hormone replacement medications. If you, or your loved one, have suffered a blood clot, heart attack, stroke, or another serious injury after taking Depo-Testosterone, it is imperative to contact our dedicated team of attorneys now.

We are currently accepting all hormone replacement injury cases through contingency fee agreements. This means we postpone our legal fees until we have successfully resolved your case by winning at trial or negotiating an out-of-court settlement on your behalf. Contact us today to speak with one of our experienced attorneys through a no obligation, free consultation. The personal information you share with our law offices will always remain confidential.


Depo Testosterone Cypionate Reviews


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